Day 291, 65 km
I liked the library in Virginia Beach, so I took a picture when I left it.
Then I rode about 10 km to the house of my waiting warmshower host.
Kim and her boyfriend had already one touring bicyclist in their home and made a wonderful dinner for us.
Day 292, 135 km
Next morning I decided to ride together with Naomi, a touring bicyclist from Canada. She was only 20 years old and decided to ride from New Orleans home to Canada all by herself. Actually she had met a lot of other bicyclists along the road, which you can read on her blog:
We had to go over the Chesapeake Bay and the Tunnel-bridge was not allowed for bicycles.
But there was a trucking service which we had booked.
Finally we came to the other side. We had a wonderful day with a lot of sun and tailwinds.
In the evening we came to Maryland. There was no welcoming sign, probably because the states along the east-coast are so small and have so many roads..
We stayed for the night in Stockton, in the house of another warmshower host.
Day 293, 120 km
Naomi wanted to visit a park with Wild-horses but I wanted to continue. Maybe it was a bad decission, because I had a very strong headwind. Not far after Snow Hill it begun to snow.
I realized that I was moving north faster than the spring was doing it...
On a bridge I got a flat tire. While I tried to fix it four cars stopped and asked if I had rode off the road and was hurt.
My sandals had to wait for better weather...
Then I passed a town called Berlin.
There was not so much to see there.
Finally I arrived the ferry which took me over Delaware Bay late in the evening.
Day 294, 130 km
It was a cold morning and all ponds were frozen until noon.
Again I had a bad headwind. I spent some hours of the day to find a new chain and a new rear casette for my bike.
In the evening I stopped at a wifi restaurant to find a park with a good sleeping location, usung google maps satelite layer. I really found a good spot!
Day 295, 110 km
Here you can see my sleeping place.
The lake was partly frozen in the morning...
Along the road I found some easter decoration
And in the evening I passed a town where they still had christmas decoration. In Sweden yuo say that Christmas stays until Easter...
Late at night I arrived the Belford Ferry, which goes from New Jersey to Manhattan.
Day 296, 20 km
When I woke up in trhe morning I asked a guy who was resting his dog why the ferry did not work. He said that it never works on sundays. There was another ferry further easdt on Atlantic Highlands but he did not believe that worked either. He had a truck and offered me a ride to a train.
His big dog had to sit between us.
On the way he told me about the Hurricane which had taken his house half a year ago. He showed me the town where he lived and how much everything still was destroyed.
This is the view from close to his property..
For me it was the first time I saw Manhattan.
Then he took me on a sighseeing tour to the famous twin lighthouse of Atlantic highlands.
The view was breathtaking! He also showed me the destroyed town below.
Everything still was closed because of the Hurricane.
And he showed me the dike behind the houses which was broken by the waves.
By accident we found out that the ferry from Atlantic Highlands was going only one minute later so I took it directly to Manhattan.
It showed me its best side in the beautiful sunny weather.I also saw the statue of Liberty from the ferry.
And many bridges from below.
Then I went up to the Empire State building
And enjoyed the view
Here some pics from the Central Park
And the Times Square
In south Manhattan I could find some old churches among the sky scrapers.
It was nice even there.
Finally I found a good sleeping location in a park.
Day 297, 20 km
Next morning I went to the Library of Brooklyn. Many people queued outside when it opened at 9 am.
Day 297, 20 km
Next morning I went to the Library of Brooklyn. Many people queued outside when it opened at 9 am.
This place is not far from the Library.