Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 50-53, Krasyonarsk-Kansk, 550 km

Day 50, 125 km and a lift for 120 km

The weather was as usual the last week: In the morning misty and not so warm and in the afternoon sunny and hot.
I crossed the Trans Siberian Railway many times. I also passed many villages, which sometimes had funny names.
Can you pronounce the name?
Now farmers had begun to harvest. I saw them driving with their trucks directly on the fields.

Also Russians thought it was a hot summer. Often when i passed a river I could see people below the bridges having BBQ on the beach.
When i had this river, suddenly out of the mist occurred big limestone mountains. 
They did not look natural because they had so sharp edges but soon I understood that the mountains were natural but shaped by people who needed limestone. I was very close to a town called Atchinsk.
After Atchinsk there were mountains again and now, finally, there were woods that looked as the Taiga I had been told about.
Now there were not only birches but also pines in the wood.
In the evening, only some kilometers before I wanted to find a sleeping place, a truck driver asked if I was tired and wanted to get a lift to Krasyonarsk, a city 120 km away. I agrreed and so I got a ride on a big Russian truck called Kamaz. I thought it was an old truck (it looked like if it was built in the 70 ies). But he told me it was only five years and that it was a very good “машина”. I asked him if Volvo and Scania also were good cars and he agreed. But when I asked him which one of the three was the very best he said without hesitating: Kamaz!
I had tried to contact some couchsurfing people again. I had asked them to sent me their address and wrote I could be there next day at seven pm. Out of 6 couchsurfers only one answered but only with a phone number and no address.
So I asked the truck driver if he could drop me in a wood before close to Krasyonarsk. My plan was to contact the couchsurfer next day.

Day 51, 100 km

Next day I tried to contact the couchsurfer until 1 pm. Then I changed my mind, I thought I could continue and sleep in the woods again.
Only 30 km after Krasyonarsk I met the very first lond distance bicyclist. It was a only 18 year old guy from Beijing. He had been on the road since April. He did not go through Mongolia but east of it. By doing this he did not have to buy a visa. Now he was on his way to Moscow, but his plan was to go around the world! We rested together and exchanged both experiences and maps. I was so exited and had so many questions about China that I forgot to take pictures. He took many pictures and also videos, because he wanted to make a documentary of his trip.
Now there were many meadows with the red flowers "Иван чай" which i wrote about before.

When I continued I thought about that I missed to have a shower in Krasyonarsk. My whole body was itching, I don't know if it was because of the dirt or because of all insect bites. Soon I came to a small river where I took a bath and used much soap. It was wonderful but the itching did not stop.

Day 52, 100 km

This day I had a bad headwind. As usual it was misty in the morning but more wind and sun in the afternoon.
At noon I saw the a bad accident. A truck, a van and a car was involved. All injured did not get space in the ambulance which I had met 20 min before so one person still was taken care beside the road. I thought about taking a picture but it did not feel right.
I reminded that I had been on the road for more than seven weeks and that one accident was not much when you think about how intense the traffic was, but still I felt scared after I had seen the accident. I also thought car drivers who had seen the accident passed me more careful than before.
This day I actually met two more bicyclist: Two young Russian guys on their way to Novosibirsk!
In the afternoon I remembered that I did not wash my laundry the day before. So I stopped at a beautiful river and did it. 
Because of the wind I decided to stop early this day.  

Day 53, 100 km

The wind was not much better this day. At noon i came to a city called Kansk. 
If you enlarge the picture you can read КАНСК
Now I only have 850 km left to Irkutsk! I found a Bankomat, bought some groceries and wrote the blog at a cafe. If I really will make 100 km today I don't know yet, but I suppose!

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