Day 85, 150 km
Next morning I woke up at
3 and could not sleep. Instead I checked if I had got any sms. Hans
Georg had written that he was interested to go together with me to my
Warmshower-host Livy Ge. I answered him that I was actually almost in
the same town and that we maybe could meet before we went there. At
six he answered that I was welcome to his hotel to get a breakfast. I
rode the 25 km to the hotel and there he told me that most of the
Chinese hotels are not allowed to host foreigners! It was difficult
for him to find a room and finally he had to take a dubble-room in a
quite expensive hotel. That was the reason why I could eat breakfast
there. And it really was worth to make the way 15 km longer!
After the breakfast we
biked together on the old road and passed a giant coal-power station
and then a city with a lot of people, cars, and bikes. Most of them
actually drove electric bikes. It was really nice to experience the
Chinese atmosphere and to have somebody to talk to. H-G is engineer
and very interested in alternative energy questions so we discussed
how much sense it made when everybody was riding electric bikes as
long as the energy came from the coal power station.
It was difficult to find
the mainroad through the town so we had to ask several times.
Everybody we asked actually said the same so we trusted them, but
five kilometers later it showed out to be the wrong road anyway.
Because we did not want to return 5 km we lifted our bikes up to the
highway and took a shortcut. There we decided to stay because the
highway came much closer to Kanzhuang, the town were Livy Ge waited
for us.
My pedal was very bad now
again, it almost fell out of its hole. But I could ride in the
windshadow of H-G so it was not so difficult for me.
We passed a very beautiful
landscape with deep valleys
and high mountains.
But it was a little
Finally we arrived at the
Beijing Renwen University and called Livy Ge.
He also came with an electro-bike and brought us to his parents house.
His mother worked
as cook and had prepared a wonderful meal for us.
In the evening Livy Ge
showed us the town and invited us to test more Chinese food. Amongst
others we tested shredded cartilage (bråsk/Knorpel)
Then we went to bed in the
beautiful home of Livy Ge.
Day 86, 20 km.
Next day the first thing
we did was to see if the local bicycle dealer could help me. Actually
ha had a crank with three gears that almost fitted. Of course I
cannot use the smallest cogwheel but I think I can make it to Beijing
and fix a new longer axle there. It was scratchy and dirty so it was
not so expensive (together with a new pedal 55 Yuan).
Then we ate breakfast in a
little breakfast restaurant. They made fresh bread outside which you
ate together with a soup.
Then Livy Ge helped me to buy a new
We decided to ride on our
bicycles to the Great Wall which had a very famous tourist point in
Badalin, only 10 km away. Livy Ge rode on his mothers bike.
We bought tickets for the
cable car bot the queue was several hundred meters long!
Finally we
came up but there the queue continued up to the Great wall.
It was
incredible how crowded it was on the wall neaar the cable car. Sometimes you were happy
when you could move one step per ten seconds. And about 99% were
Chinese people. Even they stared at us and wanted to take pictures of
us together with them. Especially H-G was very popular because he is
more than 2 m and has long blond hair. We joked about that he should
take paid for every photo they took an he would become rich...
You could walk several kilometers and then there was not so much people.
I wore my t-shirt of my
sponsor of Svartsö Matsal, so now this place will be known in whole
But to walk on the wall
was very exhausting because it was hot and it was going up and down
all the time.
Sometimes it was really steep so many people had
difficulties with their shoes and climbed over the steps without any
shoes. The steps could be much higher than deep.
In the end we just sat down
ate some food and watched people going around and taking pictures.
Finally we walked down to
our bikes and rode home to Livy Ge's house. There we ate dinner and
then we went to an Internet cafe where I hoped to be able to solve my
technical problems. Unfortunately there was no WIFI in the whole town
and at the cafe it was forbidden and impossible to up- and download
anything. Anyway we had a good time there and made many important
Day 86, 10 km
Livy Ge had to get up
early because he worked in Beijing and H-G wanted to go there by bike
to organize and prepare his studies at the University. I had got
contact with an organic farm in the very same city where I was and I
should be there at 8. So we said good bye to each other and to Livy
Ges parents.
Day 85 – 111 beijing
Here is a short summary of my wonderful time in Beijing:
First I stayed for two days at a farm called Organic and
I also went to the interantional airport of Beijing to meet
my son Anton who now studies in Hongkong. He had some hours waiting time and we
used it to go downtown Beijing and have a good time.
Then I moved to another farm which had many fields with
flowers and vegetables.
Here are my working mates:
People from whole Beijing came there looked at the
flowers, picked some vegetables and took many pictures.
Also local TV and
newspapers came and interviewed me about my journey. I asked them to mail a
link with the interview but there never came any. Instead I heared from people I met that they had read about me in
the newspapers or that they had seen me on TV.
I volonteered also by participating in luxourios dinners with politicans of the town.
The farmers owner Suwen (left) was marketing her farm intensely and introduced me as her foreign friend. I also became photomodel in one of the brochures of the farm.
From the farm I made different excoursions by bike, amongst
others to a grassland where I rode on a horse
and to a george where I took a
boat on a river
and then climbed a very steep mountain.
I liked it so much
that I decided to climb another big holy mountain 500 km south of Beijing
before I would go to South Korea.
The third week I was invented to one of the new
Waldorfschools in Beijing.
I told about my journey for class four and showed
them many pictures.
I also went with them to the northern mountains.
![]() |
When Chinese people rest they often sit in a very special way |
There we
slept in tents.
In the evening we made a fire and the children sang chinese songs.
Next day we climbed on a mountain and had a wonderful view.
Then I worked some days in the garden of the new school. Nobody
had taken care of this gaden for ages, so it was almost like a jungle. The last
day of my visit we made an excursion by bicycle in the sourroundings
and in the
afternoon we made huge compost heaps in the garden.
I also made eccursions downtown Beijing and saw the tempel of heaven, the forbidden city the summer pallace and the botanical garden.
Here are some pictures (I made several hundreds):
The last evening in Beijing (the same day we rode bicycle and made compost), I met Levi Ge (which I had met my first day in Beijing) and Hans Georg (which I had met in the Gobi desert and some more times after that). He brought also his room mates who like him study chinese language.We decided to invite Livy Ge to a german restaurant called Schindlers Tankstelle.

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